The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Well, the best thing everyone agrees with is--- Wow, does time fly by!!! Can't believe I've been retired since 1991 after 36 years with a great career with IBM... Had two years out of that time in the Army in 1958 to 1960 with a year and a half in Germany.. I had just been married so my new wife came over to see Europe and we enjoyed that time mixed with Army duties. I thought I would service data-processing equipment in the Army, but NO!! Since I knew some code, I went to radio school, used code only once on a field trip.!! Lost that wife (just short of 40 years together) 10 years ago, but re-married 4+ yrs. ago to another great lady... My hobby in mechanics is fixing clocks so I volunteer at the B&O RR Museum with another friend from our NAWCC clock club taking care of their 30 some time pieces. Started that just after retirement. Have enjoyed three tours back to Europe, done a lot of traveling around our great country. Hi to all my colleagues.